The Schottky diodes will provide a good blend of speed as well as decreased power utilization like 2 mW. Low power TTL uses high resistance values from low power TTL. There are several variants of TTL which are developed for different purposes such as the radiation-hardened TTL packages for space applications and Low power Schottky diodes that can provide an excellent combination of speed and lesser power consumption. The designing of TTL logic gates can be done with resistors and BJTs. The types of TTL or transistor-transistor logic mainly include Standard TTL, Fast TTL, Schottky TTL, High power TTL, Low power TTL & Advanced Schottky TTL. TTL logic includes several transistors that have several emitters as well as several inputs. The best examples of TTL are logic gates namely the 7402 NOR Gate & the 7400 NAND gate. As the name suggests, the transistor performs two functions like logic as well as amplifying. The Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) is a logic family made up of BJTs (bipolar junction transistors). What is Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)? The GUI introduced by Xerox alto in the year 1973 as well as Star workstations in the year 1981 were used TTL circuits which are incorporated at the level of ALUs. In the year 1970, the Datapoint 2200 was used TTL components and it was the base for the 8008 & after that the x86 instruction set.

The first PC like Kenbak-1 was used Transistor-Transistor Logic for its CPU as an alternate of a microprocessor.

Generally, functions in a single package range from logic gates to a microprocessor. Usually, each TTL chip includes hundreds of transistors. The Transistor-Transistor Logic was applied to many bipolar logic generations by slowly improving the speed as well as power utilization over about two decades.

The one and only one manufacturing company like IBM was launched non-compatible circuits using TTL for their own use. The compatible parts of the 7400 families launched by Texas instruments were designed by several companies like National Semiconductor, AMD, Motorola, Intel, Fairchild, Signetics, Intersil, Mullard, SGS-Thomson, Siemens, Rifa, etc.