Prior to using YTD for any specific purpose, please confirm that you are not violating any third-party intellectual property right in connection with such use. MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere. Any use of YTD that violates an intellectual property right of a third party is prohibited by us. Copy URL Copy a URL from the website you want to download video and paste it to the search bar. We respect intellectual property rights and expect the users of YTD to do the same. 1 There is the possibility the mp4 file is in the newer H265 / HEVC format which is not supported in Windows 10, Edge or the Movies and Photos App If the title of the mp4 file contains H265 or HEVC, then you will need to download a media player that supports this new format. Our use of third-party trademarks does not signify or suggest the endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship, of or by us of those trademark owners or their products or services, or they of us.

We are not responsible for third-party products, services, sites, content, etc. Here are the steps: Click on the Download Video button or Hit Enter Choose the quality of the video to download Click on the Download button Next, you will get the results in a matter of seconds to save the video to your computer or smartphone for free.

Select Settings and from the left menu, choose Files.

YTD Video Downloader is distributed independently of any video streaming sites. From the Teams desktop app, go to your profile picture and select More info.