All in all there's a lot of thought and detail put into this pack. The vet aspect is also a lot of fun, your pets will occasionally get sick and you'll have to take them to the vet to care for them, you can also run a vet, and depending on the type of player you are that can be a good or bad thing. The new world added in this pack is beautiful and adds a lot of activities for the pets themselves, chasing birds, digging holes, exploring bushes, mud piles and fish piles, cats can even roam and jump around the environment. My glutton dog will eat his entire bowl of food in the morning and then beg for more food while my sims are eating breakfast, while my loyal and smart dog will stay by my sims side and learn to behave quickly.

My playful dog will come beg to play fetch with my sim while my stubborn dog ignores discipline and continues peeing in the house. My frisky cat is always running around the house, jumping onto counters and whatnot, while my lazy cat doesn't do much of anything besides meow when she needs attention. The cats and dogs are very detailed, vibrant, and have very unique and distinct personalities. My favorite thing about this pack is the fact that each household plays and feels different depending on the type of pet you add to yourMy favorite thing about this pack is the fact that each household plays and feels different depending on the type of pet you add to your households. No payment, no installer, no spam ads.Because we test every single game before uploading.Since 2010, ApunKaGames posted more than 8000+ games including 80+ of categories for PC!

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